So, if you don't already know, Frank and I have been house-hunting for about a year now. To be honest, it has been an extremely frustrating experience. We started last summer when I was about mid-way into my pregnancy. We thought if we found something great and worth moving for, we'd do it. However, school started and I started getting bigger and bigger and moving just seemed out of the question....plus the right house just never came along. Then I had the baby and was home for 3 months and started looking again when Vivi was about a month old. I discovered that looking at houses online is now a hobby of mine. I'm REALLY into houses and love picturing in my mind what I would do. The thought of buying something and putting my own spin on it really appeals to me. Frank would rather a move-in-ready house. We expanded our search from the trendy mid-town area of Tulsa to the burbs...Jenks in particular because we just couldn't find what we were looking for in our price range. We actually found a house, put in an offer, got it accepted, did all the mortgage paperwork, got the inspections, etc, etc, etc......then the deal fell through with the repair requests. We lost about $1000 in that deal and were very bitter for awhile. We realized that it probably happened for a reason, but it was still frustrating, to say the least!
So...we have still been looking but just can't find what we want. We're beginning to think God just wants us to stay put in our little house. The problem is I have seen what is out there. I've seen the bigger closets, the counter space, the 2 car garages....and I want it. I've been so negative about our house that I need to do a complete 180. I need to appreciate what we have. We can survive in a 1,100 square foot house. It's not horrible, in fact, before I started house-hunting, I LOVED my house. So, I decided I have to change my attitude. I'm going to make a list of all of the things I LOVE about my house and just think about those instead of what is bothering me. Stay tuned....
I've got to go now...meeting my realtor at 2:30 to look at another house. I know...it's an addiction. Maybe I need to go back to work. ;)