Friday, January 13, 2012

So true!

Isn't this so true?  I like the little things better than the big things.  I like when I'm trying to rock Vivi to settle down and she grabs my nose and starts laughing and says, "Hi!".  I like when I feel like I'm actually making a small difference in someone's life at school when I just have a personal conversation with a student.  I like when I wake up in the middle of the night and look at the monitor with a sleeping baby and the clock shows I still have hours to sleep.  I like when someone else orders dessert too.  I like when Frank does the dishes.  I like talking about recipes with other foodies I know.  I like when you can smell the detergent on your towels, sheets, or blankets.

And...I especially like my monthly dinners with my girlfriends.  This group of girls are all related to the school I teach at in some way or another...either they work there now or have worked there in the past.  We all are about the same age, give or take 5 years or so, and we all have babies or small children.  We meet once a month at a different new or trendy restaurant and chow down and can sometimes talk for hours.  The most common topics of discussion range from poop to weaning naps to breast feeding to husbands to throwing get the idea. ;)  (And those were just last night's conversations!)  These dinners/conversations make me feel normal and are great for getting advice on this crazy thing called motherhood.  Thanks gals!

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