Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pecan Pie for my Southern Guy

There are certain things that my family on the east coast just doesn't partake in....for example - chicken fried steak, biscuits and gravy, and pecan pie to name a few.  Even though I pretty much grew up in Oklahoma, having a New Yorker for a mom kept me somewhat sheltered from some of the southern delicacies.  I only had these items if I was at a restaurant and ordered them!  In fact, I never even tried pecan pie until a couple of years ago.  It just never looked good to me.  I decided to make Frank a pecan pie one year for Thanksgiving to give him at least one of his "normal" Thanksgiving dishes.  I got the recipe from The Pioneer Woman and like everything she makes, it was amazing!  I made him another one this year and added some cut out leaves to decorate the top.  I got those as a wedding gift and only seem to remember I have them in the middle of the summer.  I actually saw them today and it was the right season, so viola!

If you'd like a delicious recipe for pecan pie, click below!

Pecan Pie Recipe

Happy Thanksgiving!  Tomorrow my baby turns one!  A lot to be thankful for, that's for sure!

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