Saturday, October 1, 2011

My $100 Project

At least for the past 5 years I have wanted to start my own little business doing what I design, staging, rearranging, organizing, etc.  I have a degree in Education, not design, but if I had to go back to 18 again and make a decision on what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, I would definitely pick Interior Design.  Isn't it funny that you have to make such an important decision when you're really just a kid?  I had no idea Interior Design even existed back then.  I've looked into going back to school a number of times and I just can't seem to do it.  First of all, nothing is offered in Tulsa besides classes at community colleges.  I just feel like that would be a waste of money and time.  I would want to go somewhere more Parsons School of Design or something along those lines.  Probably not going to happen.  However, I don't think you need to have a degree in design to be good at it.  (Here's a little disclaimer.....I do like teaching, don't get me wrong.  And...I feel like I really know what I'm doing in a classroom and am giving my students a great education.  I am a good teacher, but my passion is design.)

Pictured above is our teacher's lounge in my school.  A few years ago some very generous parents donated a lot of money to do a complete kitchen remodel.  It looked great.  However, over the past few years it has become a dumping ground....old books, projectors, lamps, teaching materials that no one wants...etc.  There has never been anything on the walls.  The broom and dust pan is always out somewhere along with a few dead HUGE roaches (gross!).  There are usually dirty dishes in the sink.  There are heat stains on the table.  Missing chairs.  A bookshelf of random junk.  You get the point.  The bones are great....great cabinets, countertops, appliances, tile.  It just needs a little TLC.  No one eats there anymore and I know it's because the feeling in there is just blah and gross.  I truly believe if it looked better in there more teachers would gather together for lunch instead of eating alone in their classrooms.  I proposed my ideas to my principal and said I would just need $100.  She agreed and so my project begins.  It's really fun knowing that I can only spend $100.  It's a challenge, but I know I can do it.  Stay tuned for updates!  This has gotten my creative blood flowing again!

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