Friday, March 12, 2010

That's it? That's really all I had to do?

Well, that was easy. I thought setting up a blog would be hard. That's it? That's all you gotta do?

Maybe I should explain the title of this blog. For years now I have been viciously made fun of by my closest friends. It all began one night at the bowling alley. I hadn't bowled in years and made that clear to everyone involved so as not to embarrass myself. To my surprise I kept getting strike after strike and blew everyone out of the water! Of course this was a complete fluke, however the teasing began....mostly from my good friend Cindy who likes to think she does a great Caryn impression. "That's it? That's all you gotta do? You just have to throw this ball and hit the pins? That's it?"

Next stop, beer pong. Those that know me well know that I'm not a big drinker and I don't partake in drinking games. When Frank and I were dating he had a birthday party at his house with his two roommates. This party is now referred to as "The Fish Bowl", but that's a whole 'nother story for a whole 'nother post. A nice little game of beer pong was going on in the garage. I had never even heard of this game in my life. So, they explained to me that you have to bounce the ping pong ball across the table and land it in a plastic cup. "That's it? That's all you gotta do?," I asked. Lo and behold, I was the beer pong master! Again, it was a complete fluke, but I killed it!

There are a variety of stories that are similar to the bowling and beer pong stories. It's become a big joke among our friends. Call it beginner's luck, who knows?! Who cares?! It's always funny, especially since I'm the least competitive person I know! When trying to come up with a name for my blog that was catchy, it just seemed perfect! I love to cook and try new recipes. I also am always doing some sort of project around the house or yard. Cooking, baking, decorating, refinishing furniture, homemade gift tags, crafty projects, painting...all these things are really not that hard. Anybody can do these things if they tried. That's it! That's all you gotta do!

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