Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Vivi's New Nook

Here's a little project I've been working on this Christmas break.  You have to be creative when you live in a small house.   For only being in this world for one year, this baby sure has accumulated a lot of stuff and we have no where to put it all!  For my baby shower from my students last year, they filled up a wicker basket with tons of presents.  That wicker basket is now Vivi's toy chest.  The toy chest was practically filled with the various stuffed animals she's received.  When you take out the stuffed animals, there's actually room for her bazillion toys.  So, thanks again to Pinterest, I used a garden basket screwed onto the wall for her stuffies.  Vivi LOVES her stuffies too...she plays with them a lot and gives them hugs and kisses all the time.  If she didn't love them so much, I'd probably just stuff (no pun intended) them into a closet somewhere. :)  So this space was just a tiny corner in her room behind her crib.  I put her basket of stuffies where she can reach them, her toy chest, and a low hung bookshelf.  It's tiny but just big enough for Vivi and she LOVES it!  Mission accomplished!

1 comment:

  1. This is SO cute... I love how everything is at her level...
