So, I recently rented Eat Pray Love and there was a funny scene right in the beginning. Julia Robert's character was talking with her friend that had a baby and asked her if she knew when she wanted to have kids. Her friend replied, "Having a baby is kind of like getting a tatoo on your face...you kind of have to be committed." I laughed out loud at that quote. It's so true! I then began to think about how the title of that movie pretty much fits my life to a "T" right now.
EAT - I'm talking about Vivi right now, not me. Let's face it, she's eating ALL the time. We call her our little piglet. I told Drew, my nephew, that we call her our little piglet and his response was, "Why? Because she looks like a pig?" :) I forgot that 5 year olds are very literal. You know the song, "I'm Just a Love Machine"?? Well, in our house we substitute the word 'milk' for 'love'. I have to admit I don't love breastfeeding at all, but I know it's best for Vivi, so I'm going to try to stick it out as long as I can. I definitely know that I won't make it to a year, which is what pediatrician's recommend. I'm going to try to aim for 3-6 months at this point. We shall see.
PRAY - I've never prayed so much for two reasons. One reason is that I'm so thankful for our healthy little bambino that I can't help but feel blessed. Another reason is because I happen to be awake at all hours of the night and the prayer that comes out the most at that point is: "Dear God, please let her sleep!" ha ha....I joke about it, however she is getting a lot better. Last night was the 6th night in a row that she's gone almost 5 hours between feedings at night. I think that's pretty good for an almost 6 week old, so I can't complain (although I do!).
LOVE - How could you not love that face?!?! She's so darn cute. She's smiling so much now and we can't wait for her to laugh. I tell her daily that she's the cutest baby in the whole world. She really is...just look at her! :) Love is an understatement.