Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A new home, maybe?

Source: zillow.com via Caryn on Pinterest

I hope I'm not jinxing anything by this blog post.  We have a contract on a house and if all goes well, we'll close on November 9th!  Frank and I are so nervous about this situation after the last time.  We had a contract on a house about a year and a half ago and told the world, then it fell through after the inspections because of a repair that could not be agreed upon.  So....we had to tell the world that it didn't go through. I feel good about this though.  In fact, Frank and I feel completely at peace with this decision.  Yes, we are kind of "selling out" and moving to the burbs, but it's only 15 minutes away!  And we get a practically new house (built in 2011)with everything we want (for the most part) and WAY less than we were planning to spend in mid-town.  When we looked at our pros and cons list, it couldn't be argued.

Anyway, now I'm getting excited.  I'm really into design and character in homes...well, guess what?  These new subdivisions don't have much.  So, I've been browsing pinterest and can't wait to get my hands on these builder boring choices and make them my own.  It's going to be fun.  I'm sure there will be many future blog posts about my new project!   Just crossing our fingers until November 9th!


  1. Caryn-I am the wife of Tim Watts (Krysha) and have been following your blog for quite some time! I love reading about your sweet Vivi (exactly 3 mos older than our youngest boy Nolen), and have loved your recipes! I am so excited for your family to have found a new home and can't wait to see the very cool and wonderful things you are going to do to it! Keep us posted and we have our fingers crossed for you too!

  2. Gee, thanks! It's always a surprise to me that someone besides my parents read my blog! :)
