This is what the master bedroom looked like when we bought the house.....
Then, we had it painted gray. Don't get me wrong, I love a pop of color, but not lime green! We bought a new king size bed as our Christmas present and laughed and laughed at how big it looked in the room! See our old nightstands? They look like miniature night stands next to that massive bed! :)
And here it is finished! The curtains are from West Elm and they were my inspiration/starting point for the whole room. They are ivory with gray swirls on them and that is how I decided to use ivory, cream, grey, and metallics as an accent.
I already had the Pottery Barn gallery shelves from our previous house and they just seemed to work well with our wedding pictures on that large wall.
The bedding is a silk quilt from Pottery Barn in ivory. The grey throw blanket is also from Pottery Barn and it is so soft and cuddly! I still need to buy the shams that go with the quilt. I didn't think we needed them and was going to save another $120, but then I got home and realized we probably do need them. I'm waiting for them to go on sale because $120 just seems a little bit ridiculous to spend on two pillow covers. Although I've already spent so much it shouldn't matter at this point, but it does. The pillows are all from Target! Nate Burkus has a new line of linens at Target and I love it.

We totally scored with the nightstands. I found a guy that custom built them for us on Craigslist. He only charged $175 for both! They are tall (31 inches!) and fit our ridiculous bed. They have a gray wash/stain on the bottom part and a dark espresso stain on the top to match our bed perfectly. I hate a matchy/matchy room where you buy the bed, the dresser, the night stands, the mirror, etc. This was a solution. They look great with the bed but are quite different. I bought the mercury glass knobs at Anthropolgie and added them to the drawer.
And this is Vivi helping Frank put up the curtains. She's pretending to be asleep. ;) Gotta love 2 year olds!