It's been awhile...I know. Empty promises....I know. I promised I would write on the blog more often, then my whole house turned upside down. We currently have two projects going on at the same time, which means that currently our dining room is filled will all the furniture from those two rooms plus the dining room furniture. Those who know me know that I like to have things in their place and nice and orderly. Well for the past two months I have had to let that all go. Our desktop computer, that was in the old office-now nursery, is dismantled in the dining room. That means that I can only get online and use the computer when Frank gets home from work and I can use his laptop.
I do, however, see an end in sight. Frank's new office, the old sun porch, is now painted, fan is up, and the new wood floors are supposed to go in this weekend. I'll believe that when I see it, though. (That last comment was a test to see if Frank reads my blog...think I know the answer to that question!) Once the office is done, then we can move all of that office furniture out of the dining room....YAY!!!
The nursery project was a thorn in my side and I thank God everyday that the hard part is over. The pictures above document the tearing off of the wallpaper. Mark my words...I will NEVER AGAIN strip wallpaper from an old house. Never!!! It had to be done, unfortunately, as you can see from the before picture. The painted over wallpaper was disconnecting from the wall. After we pulled the wallpaper off, we put a texture on the wall and it looks AWESOME!! One coat of primer, two coats of paint later it was almost finished. Then I pulled off the tape from the molding and lo and behold, the tape took off all of the molding paint. I cried for about 15 minutes about that, no lie, right when Frank came home from work. (I hate you hormones!) Another weekend later and Frank put up the curtain rods and the chandelier (a 4 hour project due to the nice 1939 house we live in).
So......the hard part is over. Now we're just waiting for the crib and dresser, the glider chair, and the bedding to come in, then it'll be almost finished. I can't wait. I think it's going to be the cutest nursery ever!!! More pictures coming soon!!!